
Cat Tattoo Designs – Our Fascinating Feline Friends

When it comes to cat tattoo designs, not everyone loves these creatures, but most of us are fascinated by them and some of us prefer them to any other animal.  Maybe, for some of us, our fascination is tinged with a little envy at the aloof dignity portrayed by our feline friends.  As Ernest Hemingway famously said: “A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings…may hide their feelings, but a cat does not”– and those of us who have been privileged to share our lives with a cat will certainly recognise this quality.    There is a proverb that says: ‘A cat is nature’s beauty’ so what better way to celebrate our fascination with these inscrutable creatures than by capturing their innate beauty in a carefully chosen tattoo?  Our tattoo artists can capture any aspect of a cat you prefer, from its graceful paw, the color of its fur, or that special curve of the tail that lends this graceful creature its individual personality.

